Our Ministries
Always Forward
Led by The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Alger
Always Forward is a collaborative effort of the Province, Dioceses, local churches and people of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) working together for the planting of new Gospel-centered, sacramental, missional churches throughout North America. Its purpose is to advance the cause of church planting by encouraging leaders and planters, equipping leaders and planters, and catalyzing new works.
Anglicans for Life Chapter
Led by Brianne Bracken
Anglicans For Life is an arm of the Anglican Church of North America and is dedicated to protecting life at all stages. As God’s adopted children, we know He wants us to adopt orphans and vulnerable children as our own in an effort to support and continue His loving outreach. The mission is to “work to eradicate abortion and euthanasia through ministry, education, pastoral care, and advocacy,” with a vision to “inspire every believer in every church to do one thing every day to protect life and prevent abortion and euthanasia.” Brianne is forming a local chapter of this ACNA ministry.
Business as Mission
Led by Tripp Graziano
Business as Mission champions the discipleship of Christian men and women who desire to engage in sharing God’s goodness through their vocations—specifically those who work full-time outside of traditional ministry. We desire for businessmen and businesswomen to understand God’s redemptive work through business in the world. We want to help change the message that Christian business people are hearing and mobilize them for action for missional impact.
The Center for Contemplative Living
Led by Tom Benson
The Center provides spiritual direction and spiritual formation through coaching, workshops, classes, and prayer. The mission is to aid you in your Spiritual Journey by offering a place in which to grow your relationship with the Lord in new and profound ways. We hope to help you experience God’s presence in your life in such a way that will awaken your soul and satisfy your yearnings for a deeper relationship with Him, and to embrace the mysteries of life in a way that draws you into union with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Christ in Ordinary Life
Taught by Dr. Nathan Hedman
Christ In Ordinary Life presents a reframing of our ordinary lives as already and abundantly God-infused. It asks us to regard our daily places—our work, home, city and bodies—as key zones of His ongoing work. To find Him there, we need to remind ourselves of the biblical story that makes those places God-ordained from the beginning. My hope is that in taking these courses, you’ll practice reframing your daily experiences as the places where God wants to meet you most. CIOL offers a suite of four classes taught by Dr. Nathan Hedman that provide basic theological training in the life of the ordinary Christian: in our work, home, city, and body. These classes aim to infuse our daily experience with the fresh breath of the Gospel.
Christian Education in Pakistan
Christian Education in Pakistan seeks to support Pakistani families by providing their children with quality education. Christian Pakistani families often live in the slum areas because of their status as an oppressed people and thus difficult economic situations and can’t afford to pay the school fees for their children. The parents of the children who are sponsored will be invited to come together for regular meetings at the church to learn about proper parenting, Christian values in the home, and biblical applications for their lives.
Led by Max Graham
The Covenant School
Head of School: The Rev. Drew Hill
The mission of The Covenant School is to partner with parents in the education and spiritual formation of their children by providing a classical education taught from a Biblical worldview. TCS is a K-9 university-model school, offering a hybrid of homeschooling and traditional schooling, and is annually adding one grade until it becomes a K-12 Christian classical school.
Friends of Gahini
Led by Ben and Cherie Weber
Friends of Gahini is a 501 (c)3 corporation in the United States which is made up of six churches around the world, each partnered with an archdeaconry in the Anglican Diocese of Gahini in Rwanda. This partnership will be relationally-driven and Gospel-centered, and will work toward sustainability in that archdeaconry. Their mission is to grow in relationship and partner together as brothers and sisters in Christ to build God’s kingdom. This ministry is a cooperative effort with our brothers and sisters in Rwanda.
Kinneret Counseling
The mission of Kinneret Counseling is to provide counseling in the Holy Land, pro bono, to the local Jewish, Arab and Aramean Community. Kinneret Counseling is a non-profit counseling ministry which aims to come alongside in a supportive, counseling role, those who have experienced various forms of trauma or other barriers to true freedom and wholeness. It aims to help people connect to their story and explore the themes and elements of their life, and its impact.
Led by Ashley Medford
New Wineskins Missionary Network
Executive Director: Jenny Noyes
New Wineskins is a mission-mobilizing non-profit agency working primarily with the Anglican Communion worldwide. They coordinate the work of the Anglican Global Mission Partners (AGMP) network, a group of 30+ missional entities, and also coordinate the Global Mission Initiative (GMI) for our province, The Anglican Church in North America, and they host the New Wineskins Global Mission Conference every three years.
Pathways Innovation
The purpose of Pathways Innovation is to find ways to make the world a better place for everyone. Mack desires his organization to be a vehicle for innovative thinking, solutions, and action, and he is currently working on finding ways to help teenagers be even more employable when they graduate high school. He is creating a Success Fund to launch those completing a Pathways approved program. (Currently over 60% of Guilford County School System students are not classified as career and college ready—over 3K graduates per year).
Led by Steven Hase
Southern Liturgy Brewing
This ministry is just getting off the ground with the mission to brew Belgian abbey-type beer to be sold throughout the Greensboro & Triad area and beyond. This (anticipated) 501(3)c organization seeks to promote Christian fellowship, build community, provide local employment, and produce revenue to be donated to the church.
Led by Eric Marohn
The William Wilberforce Center for Justice and Human Rights
Executive Director: Jeff Weber
Their mission is to seek justice and mercy for those navigating the complexities of the United States Immigration system as asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants, focusing on those who are most vulnerable and with the fewest resources. They do this by providing counsel, friendship, legal services, English training, civics and citizenship classes, as well as providing other humanitarian services in order to strengthen lives, families, and communities together.
World Relief Triad
Local Missions Director: Jon Musser
World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. World Relief Triad comes alongside refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations as they rebuild their lives in the U.S. For 30 years, they’ve been welcoming immigrants and refugees in the Triad, starting with refugee resettlement in High Point and later expanding their work into Winston-Salem. For decades, they have empowered churches, community organizations and individuals to adapt to the challenges of the moment for the sake of refugees. As needs have increased in recent years, they have expanded their work beyond refugees to include all immigrants and survivors of human trafficking in vulnerable situations. Today, World Relief Triad is part of a national network of offices through which over 400,000 immigrants and refugees have been welcomed into this country.